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Forcing the ocean

The DRAKKAR project develops consistent global forcing datasets based on a combination of ECMWF analyses and reanalysis and observed flux data, called "Drakkar forcing sets" (DFS).

 Up-dated description of the DFS5 forcing data set: The making of Drakkar forcing set DFS5. Dussin, R., B. Barnier and L. Brodeau, 2016. DRAKKAR/MyOcean Report 01-04-16, LGGE, Grenoble, France.

Older (obsolete) reference report for DFS5.1: (period 1979-2010) Dussin R., and Barnier B., 2013: The making of DFS5.1. Drakkar project report. 40 p. LGGE, Grenoble France.

Reference publication for DFS3 and DFS4:

Brodeau, L., B. Barnier, A.M. Treguier, T. Penduff, S. Gulev, 2009: An ERA40-based atmospheric forcing for global ocean circulation models. Ocean Modelling, 31, 88-104, doi: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2009.10.005

There is a freely available version of the paper on the ARCHIMER web site:


Contact: Bernard Barnier, LEGI, Grenoble.