Outils personnels
Arbic, BK, Müller, M, Richman, JG, Shriver, JF, Morten, AJ, Scott, RB, Sérazin, G, and Penduff, T (2014). Geostrophic Turbulence in the Frequency–Wavenumber Domain: Eddy-Driven Low-Frequency Variability Journal of Physical Oceanography, 44(8):2050--2069.
Balmaseda, M and ea(p4c (2014). The Ocean Reanalyses Intercomparison Project (ORA-IP) Journal of Operational Oceanography.
Baltazar-Soares, M, Biastoch, A, Harrod, C, Hanel, R, Marohn, L, Prigge, E, Evans, D, Bodles, K, Behrens, E, Böning, C, and Eizaguirre, C (2014). Recruitment Collapse and Population Structure of the European Eel Shaped by Local Ocean Current Dynamics Current Biology, 24(1):104--108.
Barnier, B, Blaker, A, Biastoch, A, Boning, C, Coward, A, Deshayes, J, Duchez, A, Hirschi, J, Le Sommer, J, Madec, G, Maze, G, Molines, J, New, A, Penduff, T, Scheinert, M, Talandier, C, and Treguier, A (2014). DRAKKAR: developing high resolution ocean components for European Earth system models In: CLIVAR Exchanges, Special Issue on High Resolution Ocean Climate Modelling, vol. 19(2).
Caley, T, Peeters, FJC, Biastoch, A, Rossignol, L, Sebille, Ev, Durgadoo, JV, Malaizé, B, Giraudeau, J, Arthur, K, and Zahn, R (2014). Quantitative estimate of the paleo-Agulhas leakage Geophysical Research Letters, 41(4):1238–1246.
Danabasoglu, G, Yeager, SG, Bailey, D, Behrens, E, Bentsen, M, Bi, D, Biastoch, A, Böning, C, Bozec, A, Canuto, VM, Cassou, C, Chassignet, E, Coward, AC, Danilov, S, Diansky, N, Drange, H, Farneti, R, Fernandez, E, Fogli, PG, Forget, G, Fujii, Y, Griffies, SM, Gusev, A, Heimbach, P, Howard, A, Jung, T, Kelley, M, Large, WG, Leboissetier, A, Lu, J, Madec, G, Marsland, SJ, Masina, S, Navarra, A, George Nurser, AJ, Pirani, A, y Mélia, DS, Samuels, BL, Scheinert, M, Sidorenko, D, Treguier, A, Tsujino, H, Uotila, P, Valcke, S, Voldoire, A, and Wang, Q (2014). North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: Mean states Ocean Modelling, 73(0):76--107.
De lavergne, C, Madec, G, Le Sommer J, Nurser, A, and Naveira-Garabato, AC (2014). On the consumption of Antarctic Bottom Water in the abyssal ocean Journal Of Physical Oceanography.
Deshayes, J, Curry, R, and Msadek, R (2014). CMIP5 Model Intercomparison of Freshwater Budget and Circulation in the North Atlantic Journal of Climate, 27(9):3298--3317.
Djath, B, Melet, A, Verron, J, Molines, J, Barnier, B, Gourdeau, L, and Debreu, L (2014). A 1/36° model of the Solomon Sea embedded into a global ocean model: On the setting up of an interactive open boundary nested model system Journal of Operational Oceanography, 7(1):34-46.
Djath, B, Verron, J, Melet, A, Gourdeau, L, Barnier, B, and Molines, J (2014). Multiscale dynamical analysis of a high-resolution numerical model simulation of the Solomon Sea circulation Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(9):6286--6304.
Duteil, O, Böning, CW, and Oschlies, A (2014). Variability in subtropical-tropical cells drives oxygen levels in the tropical Pacific Ocean Geophysical Research Letters, 41:n/a–n/a.
Duteil, O, Schwarzkopf, FU, Böning, CW, and Oschlies, A (2014). Major role of the equatorial current system in setting oxygen levels in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean: a high-resolution model study Geophysical Research Letters, 41:2033–2040.
Fischer, J, Karstensen, J, Zantopp, RJ, Visbeck, M, Biastoch, A, Behrens, E, Böning, CW, Quadfasel, D, Jochumsen, K, Valdimarsson, H, Jónsson, S, Bacon, S, Holliday, NP, Dye, S, Rhein, M, and Mertens, C (2014). Intra-seasonal variability of the DWBC in the western subpolar North Atlantic Progress in Oceanography.
Glessmer, MS, Eldevik, T, Vge, K, Nilsen, JE�, and Behrens, E (2014). Atlantic origin of observed and modelled freshwater anomalies in the Nordic Seas Nature Geoscience, 7(11):801–805.
Griffies, SM, Yin, J, Durack, PJ, Goddard, P, Bates, SC, Behrens, E, Bentsen, M, Bi, D, Biastoch, A, Böning, CW, Bozec, A, Chassignet, E, Danabasoglu, G, Danilov, S, Domingues, CM, Drange, H, Farneti, R, Fernandez, E, Greatbatch, RJ, Holland, DM, Ilicak, M, Large, WG, Lorbacher, K, Lu, J, Marsland, SJ, Mishra, A, George Nurser, AJ, Salas y Mélia, D, Palter, JB, Samuels, BL, Schröter, J, Schwarzkopf, FU, Sidorenko, D, Treguier, AM, Tseng, Y, Tsujino, H, Uotila, P, Valcke, S, Voldoire, A, Wang, Q, Winton, M, and Zhang, X (2014). An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations Ocean Modelling, 78(0):35--89.
Josey, SA, Yu, L, Gulev, S, Jin, X, Tilinina, N, Barnier, B, and Brodeau, L (2014). Unexpected impacts of the Tropical Pacific array on reanalysis surface meteorology and heat fluxes Geophysical Research Letters, 41(17):2014GL061302.
Jourdain, NC, Barnier, B, Ferry, N, Vialard, J, Menkes, CE, Lengaigne, M, and Parent, L (2014). Tropical cyclones in two atmospheric (re)analyses and their response in two oceanic reanalyses Ocean Modelling, 73(0):108--122.
Le Bars, D, Durgadoo, JV, Dijkstra, HA, Biastoch, A, and De Ruijter, WPM (2014). An observed 20-year time series of Agulhas leakage Ocean Science, 10(4):601--609.
McGregor, S, Spence, P, Schwarzkopf, FU, England, MH, Santoso, A, Kessler, WS, Timmermann, A, and Böning, CW (2014). ENSO-driven interhemispheric Pacific mass transports Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 119(9):6221–6237.
Mertens, C, Rhein, M, Walter, M, Böning, CW, Behrens, E, Kieke, D, Steinfeldt, R, and Stöber, U (2014). Circulation and transports in the Newfoundland Basin, western subpolar North Atlantic Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 119(11):7772–7793.
Patara, L and Böning, CW (2014). Abyssal ocean warming around Antarctica strengthens the Atlantic overturning circulation Geophysical Research Letters, 41(11):3972–3978.
Penduff, T, Barnier, B, Bessieres, L, Serazin, G, Gregorio, S, Branckart, J, Moine, M, Molines, J, and Brasseur, P (2014). Ensembles of eddying ocean simulations for climate In: CLIVAR Exchanges, Special Issue on High Resolution Ocean Climate Modelling, vol. 19(2).
Scott, R, Biastoch, A, Roder, C, Stiebens, V, and Eizaguirre, C (2014). Nano-tags for neonates and ocean-mediated swimming behaviours linked to rapid dispersal of hatchling sea turtles Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 281(1796):20141209.
Sebille, Ev, Sprintall, J, Schwarzkopf, FU, Gupta, AS, Santoso, A, England, MH, Biastoch, A, and Böning, CW (2014). Pacific-to-Indian Ocean connectivity: Tasman leakage, Indonesian Throughflow, and the role of ENSO Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 119(2):1365–1382.
Serazin, G, Penduff, T, Gregorio, S, Barnier, B, and Molines, J (2014). Spatial scales of the low-frequency intrinsic sea-level variability: a global model study Journal Of Climate.
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